Plays are listed in descending order, the top one being the final play.   close window

Players in this game, and their final scores are:-

Player 1 : Betsy's final score is 624
Player 2 : SCRoot's final score is 402

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========End of Game========
P1 played: TIHOS (16), TA (2), IL (4), HS (5), OW (5), SONWSO (9) = 41
P2 played: ERNEQUDI (54) = 54
P1 played: LFALSWO (76), ONWSO (8) = 84
P2 played: QUDI (42) = 42
P1 played: IN (4), OE (2), QURNE (48) = 54
P2 played: NYIVG (12), WVEAI (11), ODPUR (8), IOGIPR (18) = 49
P1 played: NYIV (10), WVEA (14), SATEPCNEI (12), ODPU (8), NWSO (12) = 56
P2 played: GTTHI (27) = 27
P1 played: RZTEMIOOS (20), CERXOAS (32) = 52
P2 played: LEGE (18), FOUL (8) = 26
P1 played: YKU (18), MY (15), ANIK (8), FOU (6) = 47
P2 played: NFTAI (18), ANI (3), FO (10), TO (2) = 33
P1 played: RZTEMIOO (110) = 110
P2 played: BBTAO (36) = 36
P1 played: EELTBRSA (9), DHDEEA (30) = 39
P2 played: ELTBRSA (82), IETPAR (7), VAEUMS (10) = 99
P1 played: YIV (9), VEA (7), DPU (9), AM (4), IETPA (10) = 39
P2 played: VAEUM (24) = 24
P1 played: ATEPCNEI (92) = 92
P2 played: YVAD (22) = 22
P2 played: verification code changed
P1 played: swapped tiles
P1 played: verification code changed
========Start of Game========
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