Plays are listed in descending order, the top one being the final play.   close window

Players in this game, and their final scores are:-

Player 1 : Donna's final score is 892
Player 2 : Marilyn's final score is 875

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========End of Game========
P1 played: ROD (4) = 4
P2 played: VEIN (30) = 30
P1 played: BE (8), BE (8), EF (5) = 21
P2 played: REEF (28) = 28
P1 played: UP (12), TO (2), POOR (21) = 35
P2 played: FACED (11), ZESTS (16), DOSE (7) = 34
P1 played: NOT (3), TOUT (8) = 11
P2 played: CAST (18) = 18
P1 played: LOX (10) = 10
P2 played: BASILICA (77) = 77
P1 played: HUE (12), HA (10) = 22
P2 played: QI (11) = 11
P1 played: TAJ (26) = 26
P2 played: WAIT (21) = 21
P1 played: EM (4), JEE (17) = 21
P2 played: NO (4), DEMO (14) = 18
P1 played: TRACT (24) = 24
P2 played: QAT (14) = 14
P1 played: QUASAR (60) = 60
P2 played: BURR (18) = 18
P1 played: OE (2), MOD (6) = 8
P2 played: OR (2), ME (8), TOME (12) = 22
P1 played: LO (2), ZORIS (15), NOS (4) = 21
P2 played: ZEST (13), CARE (6) = 19
P1 played: KEF (30) = 30
P2 played: REFUGE (26) = 26
P1 played: LINEN (15) = 15
P2 played: WAGE (24) = 24
P1 played: WASH (20), VELDS (9) = 29
P2 played: TO (4), THEM (30) = 34
P1 played: OD (3), WO (10), LOW (12) = 25
P2 played: VET (12), ME (4), IT (2) = 18
P1 played: CAR (5) = 5
P2 played: REDO (15), GO (9) = 24
P1 played: VELD (32) = 32
P2 played: LIDS (15), PIXIES (15) = 30
P1 played: QUIN (46) = 46
P2 played: PIXIE (30) = 30
P1 played: FROTHY (15), HOY (36) = 51
P2 played: AW (5), COW (8) = 13
P1 played: FROTH (22), RAN (3), OX (9) = 34
P2 played: RUN (6), ER (2), AN (4) = 12
P1 played: RELAX (39) = 39
P2 played: GANGS (14), YA (10), EN (2), ZAG (13) = 39
P1 played: YEAN (14), ZA (11) = 25
P2 played: AI (2), UP (8), DIP (24) = 34
P1 played: AUNTY (36) = 36
P2 played: ZORI (39) = 39
P1 played: DOLLING (30) = 30
P2 played: HEATING (83), EH (5), DE (3) = 91
P1 played: FLUTE (40) = 40
P2 played: CAPTIONS (76) = 76
P1 played: MISCODED (72) = 72
P2 played: FACE (18), AR (2) = 20
P1 played: MITY (15), BY (7) = 22
P2 played: FEZ (35) = 35
P1 played: BREAKER (24) = 24
P2 played: BREAK (20) = 20
P1 played: MANNERS (74) = 74
========Start of Game========
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