This site is not an official Scrabble© Site of Hasbro or J. W. Spears. It is a labour of love venture, designed to bring lovers of the game together, so that they may have the opportunity to play the game, over the Internet. Our web site was created in May 1998.

We hope this will encourage people to purchase the official board game and make sure that Scrabble© remains something that our children still come into contact with, despite these days of electronic games culture.

So if you have discovered the game here, please buy the board game for your children, teach them how to play and keep the  Scrabble© tradition alive. The official Scrabble© Site can be accessed at  

Our philosophy is, to keep our site simple by having no advertising, and no annoying pop ups. Subscriptions pay our running costs.


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Scrabble© is a registered trademark of J. W. Spear & Son PLC and Hasbro Inc. Any and all uses of the word "Scrabble©" on these pages refers to this trademark. This Web Page, is in no way an attempt to confuse the visitor that it is the web page of Mattel or Hasbro brand Scrabble©, although we play and love that game. Please do not read any further if you are looking for the official Mattel or Hasbro Scrabble© site because this is not it.