Plays are listed in descending order, the top one being the final play.   close window

Players in this game, and their final scores are:-

Player 1 : Sharon's final score is 434
Player 2 : Babe's final score is 744

========End of Game========

P2 played: UPLIFTER (86) = 86
P1 played: LOBO (7) = 7
P2 played: skipped turn
P1 played: SOZ (24), QINS (13) = 37
P2 played: VODUN (18) = 18
P1 played: BAT (5), YE (5), IN (2), BOYING (24) = 36
P2 played: OMOV (10) = 10
P1 played: KY (14), ET (2), AE (2), KEA (12) = 30
P2 played: DI (3), AT (2), DAVEN (11) = 16
P1 played: LA (4), LAH (12), AWE (6) = 22
P2 played: OX (25), LI (2), XI (25) = 52
P1 played: JEE (20), JEE (10) = 30
P2 played: RETROFIT (149) = 149
P1 played: ERR (4), EE (2) = 6
P2 played: QI (31), QIN (32), IN (2) = 65
P1 played: AWAITING (67), AH (5), WE (5), AA (2), IT (4), ID (3) = 86
P2 played: UNHEATED (167) = 167
P1 played: WINCE (28), WE (9), IN (2) = 39
P2 played: ACOLYTES (102) = 102
P1 played: PE (7), AR (2), PALEATE (63) = 72
P2 played: GOADSMEN (74) = 74
P2 played: verification code changed
P1 played: MOUSIER (74) = 74
P1 played: verification code changed
========Start of Game========

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