Welcome to The German 2 Player Game Room !
Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

There are limitations to this game, you have to use the numbers 1 to play Ä, 2 to play
Ö and 3 to play Ü. On the game board, these three characters are displayed correctly.

Please scroll down the list, and click on your player names to open your games.
Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
There are currently 103 games being played in this room.

   Abrakadabara and Albatros
   Ahrtal and Barege
   aligra and hanns
   Andrea and Doris
   Angeli and Katri
   Annelis and Mary
   annesus and barbara
   annesus and christine
   annesus and elli
   annesus and elsetier
   annesus and heide
   annesus and tinto
   apdin69 and jpdin64
   B2 and B5
   Barbara and Beate
   Barbara and David
   Barbara and Dietlind
   Barbara and Ingeborg
   Bea16 and Karin16
   BeateS and Dietlind
   beate and annesusg
   beate and dietlind
   Bea and Kib
   Bee5 and Bee2
   Beet and Teich
   Christina and Elli
   Cindy and Steffen
   Dick and Doof
   Dietlind and Angelika
   Dietlind and annesus
   Dietlind and Barbara
   Doris and Dietlind
   Dredsche and Dreesche
   Eiskristall and Schneeflocke
   Eisvogel and Luise
   Elisabeth and Andrea
   Elisabeth and Dieter
   Elisabeth and Elli
   Elisabeth and Nadja
   Eliza and Dietlind
   Ellen and Kasimir
   Elli and Barbara
   Elli and Dietlind
   Fanny and Lou
   Fliegen and Spielen
   Franz and Sissi
   Gerlind and Beate
   Giraphe and Beathe
   Griselda and Kurt
   hanns and MarieLuce
   Hausen and Hellern
   husten and halsweh
   Jeannette2 and Margo2
   JeannetteD and NinaD
   jutta and hanns
   jutta and sissi
   Karola and Beate
   Kasimir and Beate
   Kasimir and Doris
   Kasimir and Ellen
   Kasimir and Uschi
   Kathi and Mary
   Kathi and Ursi
   Knots and Kurts
   kundi and gundi
   Kundi and Gundi
   Kurt and Peter
   Laundry and Schlafen
   Linda and Julier
   Lluisa and Olga
   Loki and Thomas
   Lottenweg and Reichsgasse
   Mama and Toechterlein
   Mary and Annelis
   Mary and Kathi
   Mary and Usch
   MattDeutsch and MamaDeutsch
   Mixy and Gerlind
   Mixy and Spaetzle
   Mixy and Spaetzli
   Nehum and Nruhtolos
   Noeudli and Ourse
   Oesterreich and Indien
   Offices and Offshore
   Peter and Kurt
   scarabea and annesus
   Sissi and Chrissy
   Sissi and Jutta
   Solmu and Vektor
   sonnenschein and nebelbank
   Susi and Ellen
   Teich and Beet
   Thomas and Loki
   Tinkerbell and Giraffe
   Torre and Heide
   ugu and Heimi
   Unterich and Ueberdu
   Ursel and Dietlind
   uschi and dietlind
   Uschi and Dietlind
   vol and mar
   zuhause and Fliegen

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