Welcome to The German 2 Player Game Room !
Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn. Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire. Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.
There are limitations to this game, you have to use the numbers 1 to play Ä, 2 to play Ö and 3 to play Ü. On the game board, these three characters are displayed correctly.
Please scroll down the list, and click on your player names to open your games. Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
There are currently 90 games being played in this room.
Abrakadabara and Albatros
Allesgute and Weiterhin
Andi and Kaki
AndreaU and JosefE
AndrU and RaykO
Annelis and Mary
annesus and christine
annesus and scarabea
ausflug and kurztrip
B2 and B5
Beate1 and Dietlind
BeateS and Andrea
BeateS and Ulrike
beate and annesus
beate and gerlind
beate and karola
beet and teich
birte and katrin
Bloomington and Indiana
Braddiii and Koberstone
bretagne and concernau
Christina and Elli
Cindy and Steffen
David and Dietlind
Dietlind and Angelika
dietlind and annesus
Dietlind and Beate
Dietlind and Inge
Dietlind and Sybille
dietlind and uschi
Eisvogel and Luise
Elisabeth and Dietlind
Ellen and Kasimir
Elli and Dietlind
Fanny and Lou
Frank and Jule
Griselda startet durch and Kurt baut an
Guenz and Nordsee
hanns and aligra
hanns and giraffe
hanns and jutta
happy birthday and liebes lieschen
Hausen and Hellern
Heimi and Moniqueah
Herbst and autumn
Jeannette2 and Margo2
JeannetteD and NinaD
Julier and Linda
Kasimir and Beate
Kasimir and Doris
Kasimir and Ellen
Kathi and Mary1
Kib and Bea
Knot and Kurt
kundi and gundi
Kurt and Knot
Lichtern Verb and Schwaigen Verb
Lorchel and Marone
Luzia and Marta
Mars and Sissi
Marta and Nadia
Martha and Enrico
Mixy and Gerlind
muehleggbahn and stiftsbibliothek
Nicole and Ingrid
Nikolaus and Hanns
Nodu and Wolfram
Noeudli and Ourse
Pfostenanker and Fertigbeton
Pyramidal and Lappi
Regenwetter and Kaminofen
Rita and Marta
rueNeuve and Suisse
Scrabbel and Wordl
scrabblequeen and machtauchmit
Spaetzle and Mixy
Sunday and Sonntag
Susi and Ellen
Susi and Karola
Susi and Vinz
Thomas and Loki
tinto and annesus
TueDAugeUf and Kolossal
Ulla and Kathi
Ursel and Dietlind
Uschi and Elisabeth
Uschi and Kasimir
Uschi and Lizzy
Usch and Mary