Welcome to The Armchair Detectives Game Room!

Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
Please scroll down the player list, and click on your player names, to open your games.

There are currently 42 games being played in this room.

   ArtVandolay and MrsSokol
   aunt tree and sus
   bruce and jeff
   Carole and Sam
   Colette and Wanda
   CritterCrazy and CritterController
   Diane and Mary
   Dorothy and Charlene
   D and M
   Elsa and Doreen
   Enjoy and The weekend
   Fiona and Beatrice
   G Smith and Ziebell
   Happy and Valentines Day
   Heather and Kelli
   jannie and louie
   jh3 and cb3
   JOY and CAROL
   JOY and JEN
   Joy and Lucille
   Julie and Lynne
   Katie and Dad
   Lis and Dad
   Lois and Mary Ann
   Marie and Melissa
   Mary and Liz
   McCloud and Ziebell
   mickey and bean
   Momecoyote and Zizz
   Mo and lise
   Patti and Dorothy
   Penne and Farfalla
   Pippa and Susan
   P G and RD
   Rene and Dixie
   Rita and Joan
   Sheridano and Steverino
   Steverino and Sheridano
   Susan and Paula
   Tanya and Ali
   Thalia and Heather
   Trudy and Maxene