Welcome to The Odd Sox Game Room!

Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
Please scroll down the player list, and click on your player names, to open your games.

There are currently 27 games being played in this room.

   AnneExcitedAboutBallot and AnnaIncitedByMallet
   AnneLookingForDog and AnnaCookingForBob
   AnneSonPassesPhDQualifyingExam and AnnaSunLassosStultifyingLamb
   Barbara and diane
   Brewers and SOX
   Chelsea and Claudia
   David and Mary
   Dean and Val
   ed and linda
   Elaine and Jude
   Esther and Gail
   Fijtje and Gerritje
   Fraser gal and Maple gal
   G and M
   HappyDays and HappyLife
   hardboiled and overeasy
   Ian and Keith
   Janet and Karen
   mike s and judy p
   Nancy214 and Bob214
   Phyllis and Chris
   Rosalind and Carolyn
   Ruth and Robert
   Scrabble Rouser and Tim
   stripeysox and polkadotsox
   Valerie and Marjorie
   Wauk and Evan