Welcome to The Dodgy Divas Game Room!

Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
Please scroll down the player list, and click on your player names, to open your games.

There are currently 71 games being played in this room.

   Ada and Sharon
   Ali and Tanya
   anitasunning and susitaseineing
   Anita levin and Emily wilson
   Anita Levin and Emily Wilson
   annadooropen and markieheatstroke
   Anna and Mar
   annecardinal and carolbluejay
   annehumid and mollyinthedry
   annieandthecardinal and mollyvibrantflowers
   Arby and Brooky
   Art and Penny
   barbm and sueb
   blue and waters
   Carol and Kris
   Christine and KAY
   Cindy and Dean
   Cindy C and Dean V
   CJ and JJ
   Cj and Jj
   CloudyClaudia and OvercastOlivia
   Coral and Jade
   Cora and Judy
   cyn and wally
   Dad and Katie
   Debra and rebecca
   DeLuxe and Exclusive
   doopie and goopie
   dot and gillian
   farm and city
   Faye and Adinah
   fox and snitz
   ginny and mandy
   gisele and claire
   gisele and patti
   Gisele and Walt
   gizella and anastasia
   Jacque and Janice Arteche
   JanLee and CarolJane
   Jantheretired and Miketheworker
   Jan and Karen
   Jul3 Ted and Jul3 C
   Laudable Lee Ann and Mindful Marcia
   Lin and Jess
   Lorr and Jean
   Lynn and Loreen
   Maggie and Margaret
   Margaret and Liz
   Marjorie and Valerie
   Mary and Pat
   Me and barb
   Michelle Butz and carol Blake
   mic and sal
   mo and jo
   Mural and Tiago
   Pamela and pammie
   Pam and Linda
   Patsy and Elsie
   pgrandma and sgrampa
   Phyllis and Gabrielle
   phylllll and stuuuu
   Porcupine and Toad
   P and M
   Rita and Kevin
   scrambled and eggs
   Sgramps and Pgrams
   Sons and Daughters
   Squirrel and Budgie
   Summer Sun and Cozy Winter
   Xande and Phyllis
   Yes we Kam and With a good VP