Welcome to The Attic Capers Game Room!

Players must start all new games within 7 days of receiving notification of their turn.
Games where a player has not started their game within that time limit, will expire.
Otherwise, you have 14 days to continue your game, else your game will also expire.

Clicking on refresh will load the most recent list of games, in this room.
Please scroll down the player list, and click on your player names, to open your games.

There are currently 34 games being played in this room.

   Alison and Conor
   Amberley and TimeWaster
   Anne and Helen
   Barbara and Freddie
   barb and paul
   Bill and Patrick
   Brenda and Mary
   carol and louise
   Elaine and Jill
   GG and KK
   gidget and paulito
   Irene9 and Lorne7
   Jan and Jess
   Jean and Deb
   Jeff and Tim
   kathy and sue
   Keef and Sarah
   Lardoggy and Paluppy
   Larp and Jither
   Lesley and Wendy
   Linda and Rose
   maggie and ikey
   onitpete and distractedpaul
   Pamela and Martin
   Patricia and Mike
   Patrick and Bill
   Rache and Mary
   Romage and Kateo
   sharon and donna susan macintyre
   Stefan and Joyce
   Susan and Sally
   Tom and Judy
   Up here and Down there